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Error Response Details

Possible Error Messages and Solutions:#

Error MessageExplanationSolution
UnauthorizedValidation-Token is malformed or not present.Please ensure that you are passing the correct Validation-Token for the environment you are using.
Invalid Card NumberCredit card number is invalid.
Invalid Expiration DateFormat of the expiration date is invalid.
Card ExpiredThe Matbia card has expired.
Insufficient Wallet BalanceThe donor's balance is insufficient to cover the donation amount.
Transaction is already batched, please issue a refundWhen calling the Void API on a transaction that has already been batched.Please call the Refund API instead.
Transaction not batched, please Void itWhen calling the Refund API on a transaction that has not been batched yet.Please call the Void API instead.
Input string was not in a correct format.Any optional fields that are blank should be replaced with null.