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Below is an overview of setting up transactions with Matbia.

Matbia Payment API Base URL#

Sandbox Environment

Description: This URL is designated for the sandbox environment of the Matbia API. It is used for testing and development purposes.

Production Environment

Description: This URL is intended for accessing the production environment of the Matbia API. It should be used for live, customer-facing applications.


An authorization header is used to authenticate requests to the Matbia API.


1. Charge#

Matbia's Charge API facilitates secure transactions for organizations.

2. Void#

Matbia's Void API issues a refund within 24 hours of a transaction.

3. Refund#

Matbia's Refund API issues a refund after a transaction has been batched, which occurs 24 hours after the transaction was made.

4. Preauthorization#

Matbia's Preauthorization API verifies credit card details.

5. Schedule#

Matbia's Schedule API facilitates the setup of recurring payments.

More Information#

  1. Development Testing Data - Sample data for credit card information and organization tax ID, to test in the sandbox environment.
  2. More information about Matbia - Matbia's BIN number and contact information for integration assistance.